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The Becoming Limitless Bundle: 150 Page Master Book, With On Demand Sessions, And Integration Checklists

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Prosperity: Transcendence Healing Program for Money And Abundance

Ever Wondered What Removing Subconscious Money Blocks Feels Like? Experience a Prosperous Life with an Advanced Transcendence Healing Session.

This On-Demand Transcendence Healing session will help you heal your relationship with money and remove wrong thought and feeling patterns related to abundance. This session will work directly on your energy anatomy which stores the majority of the limiting beliefs and blocks to attract, receive, & multiply money.

1. Direct Energy Alignment: Engage in targeted energy work to dissolve deep-rooted abundance blocks and limiting money beliefs, paving the way for a healthier financial mindset.

2. Wealth Consciousness Activation: Realign your thought patterns through advanced healing techniques, enabling you to naturally attract, receive, and multiply wealth, fostering a life of abundance.

    3. Prosperity Breakthrough: Experience a profound shift in your relationship with money, transforming your financial perspective and opening the doors to sustainable abundance and prosperity.

    Normally valued at $199 (or more) this on demand transformative Prosperity program is available to you now for just $47 on this page, as a thank you for getting a copy of the Ultimate Journey.

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    Conscious Manifestation

    Want to Know the Secret to Manifesting Your Deepest Desires? Accelerate Your Reality with Groundbreaking Mind Control Techniques.

    This potent masterclass combines the power of the Silver Mind Control Method and Quantum Jumping, guiding you to shift your self-image, access altered states of consciousness, and manifest profound transformation. Experience heightened intuition, clarity, and script your ideal future and quantum jump into alternate realities where your successful self already exists (Bonus: The 15 Minute Energy Work Protocol To Manifest Faster)
    • Self-Image Transformation: Learn to reshape your self-perception for success using the Silver Mind Control Method.
    • Altered States Mastery: Access and utilize altered states of consciousness to script and realize your ideal future.
    • Quantum Jumping Adventure: Leap into alternate realities where your successful self exists, unlocking new potentials.
    • Bonus Protocol: Integrate a 15-minute energy work routine for expedited manifestation and intuitive clarity.

    Normally valued at $199 (or more) this masterclass and the bonus are available to you now for just $47 on this page, as a thank you for getting a copy of the Ultimate Journey Book.

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    90 Minute Private 1:1 Transcendence Healing Session With JP Boyd

    Ready to Explore Profound Healing on a Personal Level with JP? Experience A Life-Altering Healing Session And Step Into The Highest Version Of Yourself.

    We will work together to help you access deep levels of healing, and transformation for any area of your life like your health, relationships, money, self-love, or anything else you feel called to upgrade and work on. We will use Transcendence Healing to help you remove from the root cause negative beliefs, stories, emotions or imbalances preventing you from being your highest self.

    What You Get Inside Our 1:1 Session:

    Customized Healing Approach: Receive a session uniquely tailored to you, focusing on pivotal areas like health, relationships, and financial well-being, ensuring a holistic and comprehensive transformation.

    Root Cause Elimination: Delve deep with Transcendence Healing to identify and dissolve the core negative beliefs, emotions, and imbalances that are hindering your progress, paving the way for profound change.

    Holistic Life Upgrade: Empower yourself with tools and insights to reach new heights of self-love, well-being, and personal achievement, transforming your life in a way that resonates with your true self.

    Comprehensive Energy Work: Experience deep, resonant energy work that aligns with your unique path, aiding in the release of old patterns and fostering a connection to your highest potential.

    Advanced Subconscious Reprogramming: Utilize powerful techniques to rewire your subconscious mind, breaking free from limiting patterns and embracing a new narrative of empowerment and success.

    Personalized Spiritual Guidance: Gain insightful spiritual advice tailored to your life's journey, helping you navigate your path with clarity and purpose.

    Emotional Release and Balancing: Experience a cathartic release of pent-up emotions, leading to a balanced and harmonious emotional state, essential for personal growth and happiness.

    Thank you for grabbing your copy of The Ultimate Journey. In gratitude, I invite you to a special experience: my personalized 1:1 sessions, usually valued at $497, are yours for just $297 on this page for a 40% discount. I open 3 spots a month for these extraordinary, life-changing sessions. See you on the other side! -JP
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